Marc Blumentritt
2008-08-06 07:10:11 UTC
I'm using teststand now since 9 months and now I have to distribute my application to a testing machine. I have some questions about this process. But first I discribe my application:
I have a labview ui, which has 3 main tasks:
1.) Start selected teststand sequences for automatic testing.
2.) Give operator the possibility to manually control the testing environment (purely written in labview)
3.) Run continous data aquisition, which provides data for teststand and manual testing.
Sharing data between labview and teststand is done mainly via global variables (e.g. reference to tdms file). Because of 1.) and 2.) above teststand and labview share a lot of VIs for communicating with the testing environment.
OK, now my questions:
I'm searching for the best way to deploy this application via an installer. I know, that there is a teststand deployment tool (which I havn't used, yet) and I know how to build installers with the labview project manager.
1.) What about sharing of VIs and global variables between my teststand sequences and my generated labview exe? When I place my sequences in the workspace file for the teststand deployment tool, all referenced VIs are included in teststand. But Some of these VIs are also included in my generated labview ui. Will this generate a conflict?
2.) I was thinking about to create a teststand deployment without a workspace file. The sequences and all required VIs would be placed in the generated labview ui instead. Will the teststand sequences find the VIs inside of the ui exe?
3.) What about required drivers (e.g. daq-mx)? Should I create a labview installer of my ui with the required drives and install this, then create a teststand installer (perhaps including the ui, too) and install this, too?
Thanks for any help in advance.
I'm using teststand now since 9 months and now I have to distribute my application to a testing machine. I have some questions about this process. But first I discribe my application:
I have a labview ui, which has 3 main tasks:
1.) Start selected teststand sequences for automatic testing.
2.) Give operator the possibility to manually control the testing environment (purely written in labview)
3.) Run continous data aquisition, which provides data for teststand and manual testing.
Sharing data between labview and teststand is done mainly via global variables (e.g. reference to tdms file). Because of 1.) and 2.) above teststand and labview share a lot of VIs for communicating with the testing environment.
OK, now my questions:
I'm searching for the best way to deploy this application via an installer. I know, that there is a teststand deployment tool (which I havn't used, yet) and I know how to build installers with the labview project manager.
1.) What about sharing of VIs and global variables between my teststand sequences and my generated labview exe? When I place my sequences in the workspace file for the teststand deployment tool, all referenced VIs are included in teststand. But Some of these VIs are also included in my generated labview ui. Will this generate a conflict?
2.) I was thinking about to create a teststand deployment without a workspace file. The sequences and all required VIs would be placed in the generated labview ui instead. Will the teststand sequences find the VIs inside of the ui exe?
3.) What about required drivers (e.g. daq-mx)? Should I create a labview installer of my ui with the required drives and install this, then create a teststand installer (perhaps including the ui, too) and install this, too?
Thanks for any help in advance.