Caren, Implementation of the suggestions that David gave you winds up being a matter of adding two portions of code to the CVI Full-Featured Operator Interface (or a modified version thereof). The idea is to react to the already existing UIMessage that gets posted when the user presses the "Break" button. This UIMessage has the code "1", as is listed in the TestStand Help.In order to set up our OI to handle a custom UIMessage or add to / override an existing UIMessage, add the following code to your OI in the RegisterActiveXEventCallbacks function :errChk( TSUI__ApplicationMgrEventsRegOnUIMessageEvent
(gMainWindow.applicationMgr, ApplicationMgr_OnUserMessage, NULL, 1,
NULL));After that, add the code in the handle the UIMessage in a custom fashion. The code to handle the UIMessage would look something like this:HRESULT CVICALLBACK ApplicationMgr_OnUserMessage(CAObjHandle caServerObjHandle, void *caCallbackData, TSUIObj_UIMessage uiMsg, VBOOL *cancel){ TSUIObj_IEngine gotEngine; TSObj_SeqFile seqFile; CAObjHandle newExecution; VBOOL removed; char *sessionName; double sessionID; enum TSEnum_UIMessageCodes event; int error = 0; //Get UIMessage event tsErrChk(TS_UIMessageGetEvent(uiMsg, &errorInfo, &event)); switch (event) { case 1: MessagePopup ("", "UI Message Handled"); tsErrChk(TSUI_ApplicationMgrGetEngine (gMainWindow.applicationMgr, NULL, &gotEngine)); tsErrChk(TS_EngineGetSeqFileEx (gotEngine, NULL, "C:\\test.seq", 11, TS_ConflictHandler_Error, &seqFile)); tsErrChk(TS_EngineNewExecution (gotEngine, NULL, seqFile, "MainSequence", 0, VFALSE, TS_ExecTypeMask_Normal, CA_DEFAULT_VAL, CA_DEFAULT_VAL, CA_DEFAULT_VAL, &newExecution)); tsErrChk(TS_EngineReleaseSeqFileEx (gotEngine, NULL, seqFile, 0, &removed)); CA_DiscardObjHandle (seqFile); CA_DiscardObjHandle (newExecution); break; }Error: DisplayError(error); return error < 0 ? E_FAIL : S_OK;} Adding the above two portions of code will allow you to launch the MainSequence sequence within the C:\test.seq sequence file. You can modify the code to allow it to point at a different sequence within a sequence file of your choice - but this should get you started. I hope this helps, Caren. Good luck with the rest of your development.