Debug warning: References to PropertyObjects were not released properly.
(too old to reply)
2008-08-07 15:40:17 UTC
Hi Everyone,
I made a custom operator interface in LabVIEW and any time I close the application I got the following warning:
"Debud warning: References to PropertyObjects were not released properly.
    Total number of objects: 84    Number of top-level objects: 3
    Note: Some top-level objects may be included if they are referenced by    an incorrectly released top-level object. For example, an unreleased    SequenceContext object references a SequenceFile object.
    The following top-level objects were not released:
        Type Definitions [2 object(s) not released]            Type Definition #1:                Name: User
            Type Definition #2:                Name: NI_UserCustomPrivileges
        And the following uncategoried objects:            User                Name: administrator"
It might something to do with my login method because I log the user in automatically:
<img src="\\fnashared\Shared\FBL\MWU_Test_Data\!!! Engineering_Temp_Folder - Warning filles older than 24hrs will be deleted without notice !!!\AHorvath\Login_method.jpg">
Any idea why getting the message?
Other thing is that I could stop TestStand showing this messages (by unticking the boxes in debug options), but the question is: does it have any harmful affects on anything? So it might not wise just ignore the warning?
(I'm using LabVIEW 8.2 and TestStand 4.0)

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2008-08-07 16:10:16 UTC
Hello Attilaz, have you released user object after using it in VI?
2008-08-07 16:40:13 UTC
Hi MY,
Which user object should I release? How&nbsp;should I release&nbsp;TestStand&nbsp;objects in LabVIEW? I tried "UnloadAllModules" and "UnloadTypePaletteFiles" methods but still getting the message...
2008-08-07 19:40:12 UTC
Hi AttilaZ,
Are you closing the TS engine reference?&nbsp; If you look at the simple OI that ships with TS you will notice at the end of the code the correct procedure for closing references.&nbsp; They close the engine reference and then the curent VI reference and then they shut down LV.
Hope this helps some,
2008-08-08 09:10:18 UTC
Hi Jigg,
I used the Full-Featured OI as a base for my Custom OI, so the start-up and the shut-down process is the same, therefore I'm closing all the references, that's why I don't understand why I'm getting the message...
Adnan Z
2008-08-08 09:40:19 UTC
Hi AttilaZ, Have you had a look at the following knowledge base article:<a href="http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/allkb/C340060ECAFAA169862573C900723541?OpenDocument" target="_blank">LabVIEW UserInterface gives PropertyObject Warnings when using UIMessages</a> Let me know if that works out for you.
2008-08-08 10:10:15 UTC
Hi Adnan,
As I mentioned, I used the Full-Featured OI as a base for my Custom OI, so I use the same Event Callbacks and the same VI to register them, furthermore I don't use any additional UIMessages just the standard ones used in the Full-Featured OI.
Scott Richardson
2008-08-08 14:40:18 UTC
Based on the three objects that you are seeing in the report, I suspect that the "administrator" user object is what has the extra reference and it is referencing the User type and the the User type is referencing the "NI_UserCustomPrivileges" type. In LabVIEW, if you ever get the reference to an object from one our TestStand's API calls, you must release the reference using the Close Reference function.
If&nbsp;you do not see this issue with the sequence editor, it is liklely some code in your OI. If you see this issue with the sequence editor, it is likely some code in a code module or sequence, such as a model or callback file.
So what code did you add that&nbsp;references a user object?&nbsp;If you login as a different user, does the named object change to that named object?
2008-08-11 09:10:21 UTC
Thank you all guys!
I finally found the problem. One "Close Reference" was missing.
I posted a picture&nbsp;which shows what I missed.

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