How to make teststand understand I64 data type
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Vidula S.
2008-08-12 20:10:13 UTC
I am calling one Labview VI in teststand where the input is numeric (representaion I-64).
Under the Module Section the Parameter Name, Type, In/Out, Default information is grayed out for the input.
Teststand understand the input if I change the same control to I32 type.
How can I make teststand understand I64 type of input?
2008-08-12 20:40:30 UTC
This is not currently possible.  You will have to split it into 2 32-bit integers in LabVIEW and pass both back into TestStand.  TestStand does not currently support 64-bit integers.
James Grey
2008-08-12 21:10:16 UTC
As a workaround, if you could convert it to a double in LV, you could still do math and comparisons with it as a single value in TestStand. To do this, you would have to be sure your value won't ever exceed the maximum integer range a double can losslessly represent, which I think is around 2^52.
For example, I think this would be an option if your value represented a file size in bytes for a file that you know is guaranted to always be smaller than a petabyte.
