How can I access all results in callback 'LogToDatabase'?
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17 years ago
How can I access all partial test results in the LogToDatabase callback? The keypoint for my question is, that I have a tailored database and I have to store all partial results.
17 years ago
You'll find the results in "Parameters.MainSequenceResults.TS.SequenceCall.ResultList". Steve
17 years ago
Thank you! Is there a way to get information about runtime variables instead of debugging a program? 
Scott Richardson
17 years ago
eirik -For unstructured container parameters that are passed to a sequence, there is no simple way to discover the contents until runtime. For the results, there is some documentation in the Ref Manual that discusses the subproperties of a single result. What I have done in the past is: 1) place a breakpoint at the location the run-time variable will exist, 2) run an execution and break at the location, 3) copy the variable from the variables view, 4) one a new sequence and paste the variable under locals to capture it, 5) complete the execution, 6) save the new sequence file, 7) use the variables view to browse the property. Sometimes I actually copy the variable and replace the parameter in my sequence so that I can test my sequence without all the overhead of the model. Hope this helps....